How well is your GI tract working?

How well is your GI tract working?

all disease begins in the gut How to detoxify your GI tract and improve digestion While the liver and kidneys are your primary detox organs, the colon takes on a secondary detox function through elimination. Hippocrates said more than 2000 years ago that “all disease...
How to cleanse your kidneys

How to cleanse your kidneys

Our amazing little filters How to detoxify your kidneys Couple of months ago, my husband Pierre woke up with agonising pain in the lower back.  For someone that is never sick, has not seen a doctor in more than a decade, when I heard him screaming with pain, I knew...
How to detoxify your Liver

How to detoxify your Liver

Phases of detoxing How to detoxify your liver This is the exciting part.  We are getting into the nitty gritty of detoxing. You now have all the information to see which filter needs your help, and so in the next few posts, I am going to show you how to do it.  To...
How to eliminate your toxins!

How to eliminate your toxins!

Our 5 amazing filters How to eliminate your stored toxins! In my previous post I talked about the two types of waste : endogenous and exogenous.  Just fancy words for internal and external waste. Before I talk to you about your filters, it is important to understand...
Types of waste

Types of waste

Types of waste Time to clean your body When it comes to detox it is likely that you are unsure exactly what to do. The list of how to do’s on the internet, Instagram, and Facebook is pretty long.  And completely confusing! Living in today’s modern world also means our...
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