A true epidemic !
Are you thirsty? The way I see it, dehydration has become somewhat of an epidemic. And dehydration, especially if it’s a regular state for you, has all sorts of consequences for your energy, the functioning of your vital organs, your sports performance, your mood, your brain performance… I can go on an on.
Water is for me, one of the 7 most important tools to optimal health. (Controlled breathing, too, as you saw in my last post.)
Most of us are simply not drinking enough water. I’ll come back to how much you should be drinking, but let’s start with you understanding you.
In the embryonic state you were 98% water. Then, as a baby, it was around 80%. As an adult, your water make-up has dropped down to 75-60%.
I like to think of this water as your internal ocean. Most of your body’s water is the equivalent of diluted sea water. About 71 % of the earth’s surface is water, most of which (98 %) is sea water.
We shouldn’t be surprised at this synchronicity, since life came from that beautiful source!
Your internal ocean hosts your cells. Each tiny cell in your body is held in place, without touching, in a water-based liquid. This is known as extracellular liquid, the extracellular matrix, or the Pischinger Space (Alfred Pischinger, 1899-1983).
Two important terms here: mitochondria and ATP.
The human body creates energy through little structures within cells called mitochondria, the powerhouses of cells. Mitochondria produce ATP, the energy currency of the body. And, guess what. In order to release energy to the body, ATP needs … water.
Water IS directly linked to the source of energy!
Think of this fact alone: your brain is 70% water and is the biggest consumer of water. It allocates itself 25% of your overall water circulation. Its neurotransmission mechanisms depend on energy from water.
If you are dehydrated, your body will prioritise your brain at the expense of all other bodily functions. Not enough water means a tired and non-optimal brain, but even less optimal body!
➡️ And, did you know, if you drank a glass of water 2 hours ago, it has already passed through your system and is no longer “in use”. (Should you go get a glass right now? ????)
????Body temperature regulation
????Blood fluidity
????Absorption, secretion and excretion (we may not like to think of these things, but you do want them working properly, right ?????)
????Dissolving and keeping nutrients in place
????Lubricating joints
????It even plays an important role in seeing and hearing!
Your body loses about 2.5 liters of water doing its daily job of functioning. Don’t you want it to replace what has been used?
Know, however, that not all of it should come from just water. Part of it needs to come from your diet (fruits, veggies, soups, herbal tea’s and other liquid foods).
10 SUPER SIMPLE HYDRATION TIPS (you probably already do much of this!)
1️⃣ This is easy – drink 1.5 – 2.5 litres of water every day.
2️⃣ Stick to a diet rich in those water-loaded foods: fruits and vegetables. The water contained in fruits and vegetables cannot be compared to bottled or tap water. It’s full of electrolytes and so good for you. Eat lots and lots of fresh fruits and veggies!
3️⃣ Your own needs vary according to several parameters: outdoor temperature, physical intensity and the diet you eat. It is therefore essential to adapt to your needs.
4️⃣ Drink enough water to turn your urine a light-colored yellow.
5️⃣ As much as possible, keep the temperature between 15 and 18 C (59 -64F) ie. room temperature.
6️⃣ Avoid cold water. Drinking cold water before or during your meal contracts your stomach and impairs you digestion processes.
7️⃣ Your stomach (and digestive system) will appreciate hot water or herbal tea in the morning, right before breakfast.
8️⃣ Drink water throughout the day in small quantities.
9️⃣ Make sure to drink mostly on an empty stomach, which is ½ hour before and 2 hours after a meal.
???? Drinking water during meals and while your stomach is digesting will dilute the gastric juices and disrupt the digestion process, so keep that to a minimum.
A word on morning lemon water ????
Lemon will alkalise your water and help your liver detox. But, as with everything, too much is not a good thing. I believe daily lemon water can lead to demineralisation in your body. I recommend drinking lemon water as a cure for 2-3 months twice a year as opposed to making it a daily practice.
Love, light and lots of water✨
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