Debunk the detox Misconceptions,

Ditch the Fads and Discover

The Proven Personalized Method To Transform How You Look And Feel Quickly And Efficiently Using Naturopathic Solutions


There are no coincidences in life…

It is not a coincidence you are on this page!

I remember what it was like, as a child, when a guaranteed solid night’s sleep was an irritation! Do you? I wanted it to be morning so I could leap out of bed to have another great day.

I remember what it was like, when I was a teenager when I felt and looked so good. Do you?  Or is it just a distant memeory?

The energy back then…always buzzing.

And, I remember when one day I didn’t feel or look that way any more.

Instead I am collapsing into exhausted sleep to get through a guaranteed unfulfilling night’s sleep; dragging myself out of bed in the morning. No more buzzing energy.

Looking into a mirrow and wondering: “Who is this person that I see? How did I get here?”


When did we lose touch with the natural vitality and energy that our bodies are meant to possess? 

Let me guide you back to a place of rejuvenation, where you can wake up each day loving the way you look, feeling refreshed, pain-free, and ready to embrace life with enthusiasm.


Now I’m a naturopath on a mission.

Discover the key to rejuvenating your energy and vibrancy of your youth in this online program unlike any other.

This is naturopathy at its best: a program of nutrition, supplements, mental & health, to transform you physically, mentally, and energetically.

You’re here possibly because:

  • You want to reach that vibrant state of health and vitality but ….you have not found a simple and efficient solution yet
  • You have the feeling of running around in a circle in every aspect of your health and vitality
  • You never feel as though you fully grasp the path to success
  • You are energy or your sleep is not as it used to be
  • You need to lose a few kg’s
  • You have minor heatlh problems, minor aches and pains
  • You feel and look as if you are ageing prematurely
  • You dream of that amazing body and mind, in balance, that perfect sleep, that youthful look

Why Is It FREE…?

For complete transparency, The Rejuvenating Detox Roadmap is FREE to attend because after the event you may want to potentially hire me to work with you one-to-one or attend one of my courses and if so I’d be delighted to have a chat with you about the options.

However you do not need to buy any of our courses.  In fact, I encourage you to attend The Rejuvenating Detox Roadmap, make copious notes and implement what I show you because it will rapidly accelerate your

results such as:

A body that is vibrant, healthy, fearless, pain free, that looks et feels youthful  and amazing

A spirit that is so alive, present, calm, stres-free, et happy with life’s beautiful little things.

A soul that is calm, grounded, gratefull, in touch with the real you et aligned with your misson in the life

A healing path that prevents, improves or even resolves persistent health concerns

Vous êtes ici parce que vous ne voulez plus essayer de comprendre comment le faire par vous-même


What You Will Get

Take back control and reboot your health with my personalized Rejuvinating Detox Roadmap

Vous atteindrez un état de bien-être dynamique, commencerez à redécouvrir les niveaux d'énergie de vos vingts ans et apprendrez beaucoup sur la façon de gérer et de maintenir de manière indépendante votre vitalité nouvellement redécouverte.

How is this possible?


Understanding which part of your body YOU need to detox in order to achieve quick and efficient results

Figuring out what You need to detox from: is it an orggan/system that needs your help, heavy metals, spike protein (long Covid), need to lose some weight…

Understanding which foods are right for YOU and which ones are not
Having the right tools that are simple and quick to imprelemnt
Knowing which herbs and supplements will work best for you
Knowing which herbs and supplements will work best for you
Vous adorerez savoir comment optimiser votre santé.
Bonus : vous vous rapprocherez également considérablement de votre poids idéal, si c'est ce dont vous avez besoin
This is a limited participation webinar (maximum 25 people) – so I can give you maximum value – and it is packed with my insights and understanding of what you need to achieve your wellness goals and how to support yourself through the challenges and pitfalls.
This is for you if want to acquire tools and understanding how to:
Look and feel significantly better quickly
Regain the energy of your youth
Gain mental clairty & improve your memory

Say goodbye to useless diets, and learn what is best for your body

Significantly improve your health
Utiliser une approche naturelle pour traiter les problèmes de santé mineurs existants
Have and sustain a health lifestyle
Learn the basics of how to manage your health yourself
Personlize a detox to what your body needs and do it safely  & efficiently
This is also for you if you:
Simply need a reboot!
Want to lose or gain a few kg’s
Want to know which system of organ YOU need to detox

HI I AM DEJANA (Day-yanna):

naturopathe qui se consacre à apprendre aux individus les methodes d'atteindre une santé et une vitalité optimales.

With over 13 years of experience, I’ve successfully guided thousands of clients through complete transformations, helping them feel vibrant, rejuvenated, resilient, and joyful. younger, stronger, and happier.

J' apprend aux gens comment prendre leur santé et leur vitalité en main to achieve their health goals and maintain them long term!

Fatigué de vous soucier de votre santé, poids ou manque de dynamisme?

You want to feel energized, radiant, healthy, have optimum weight and be happy.

Et vous avez besoin d'aide.

You are in the right place!

That is what I do.


I give you structure and clarity so that you feel significantly better already in one week.
What is a DETOX, why you should do it and how often
Understanding and recognizing what YOU need to detox and why
Tools and tips of how to go about it
How to personalize a detox so it actually works efficiently & safely for YOU

Targeted detoxes such as heavy metals, spike proteins (long Covid), parasites …

What are different types of toxins that you need to address and where do they get stocked in your body
What to do and what not to do
How often and how long shoud YOU do it for
What are differnt types and levels of detoxing and what you need to understand when doing them
What supplements and herbs work best for what and for you

Questions que vous pourriez avoir

I want to do this, but I am afraid it will be complicated
You chose how you wish to do it and what suits you best!
There is easy, intermediate and advanced levels.
It is an easy step by step aproach that most of my clients do while working or even while traveling!
Vous recevrez des conseils étape par étape avec les outils et ressources quotidiens, et
And my clients are all busy people CEO’s, business owners, managers or simply busy moms and housewives.
I tried other detoxes, they do not work for me.
This is not one of those one fit all formulas.  They do not work because we need a “personalized” approach.

We are all different and You will learn exactly what YOU need to detox and simple and effective tools how to go about it.

I can not go without eating
I will not ask you to!  You will not be hungry I promise you.
I do not have time
When you see how easy this is and the results my clients are getting I promise you, you will want to make time.
I also teach you how to organize yourself best so that this is completely possible to integrate into busy lives.
I am too stressed to do this
This will definitely help you become so much more resistant to stress and we talk about natural supplements that act as a shied for stress.  My clients say that these are the game changers in their lives!
steven’s story
When Steven came to see me he was dragging himself through life, working overtime, drinking very frequently, and in a general state of lethargy. At 52 years old and 1.8 m tall, he weighed 97 kilos and needed to lose 20. Some of my clients take time to implement my programs and some, like Steven, whizz through, applying everything to the letter.

In less than 3 months, Steven was down to 77 kilos and was absolutely transformed. He told me he had not felt so good since he was 20: the buzzing energy, fantastic libido, so excited to be alive. As he put it so simply: He was constantly on fire!

I also invited him to one of my first talks and he shared an anecdote with the audience, that was news to me. – Before he came to see me, he saw a dermatologist for a mole, which she diagnosed as precancerous . Within 6 weeks of the program, the mark had completely disappeared.. He swears by the benefits of drinking kombucha daily!

Clara’s story

Clara 33 year old, french singer who was diagnosed with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) in 2017 came to see me in April 2023.

For 6 years she remained with problems off and on: visual blur in both eyes (almost complete loss of sight on the left eye), difficulty walking, sensations in the hands, overactive bladder and chronic fatigue.

This prevented her from being able to schedule her tours and planning her future and most importantly from hope to have a child one day soon.  After 6 months of following my program she  70% of her symptoms disappeared and she was back on stage.

Almost exactly a year later, in June 2024, after only in total of 5 months of supplements, which is very little for an autoimmune condition, 95% of her symptoms were gone and her neurologist was puzzled not to see no lesions from the last 2 years were visible! They completely disappeared.  He said he never saw that in all the years of his practice.

Clara told me, thank you Dejana, you gave me my life back and the confidence that now I can be in control of my health!  She is beaming with happiness and Clara is now preparing for pregnancy.



MY 30 page detox recipes ebook
This  recipes are my top recipes from my many Detox workshops held over the last 13 years.

Over the years I have tried and tested many recipes and made a selection of those that really work for everyone.

They are deliscious and easy to do and my clients simply love them!

Inside you will find recipes for easy to do breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks, juices  and smoothies.

20% off my consultations or any future programs you may wish to join
This is an exclusive offer only for those that will actually attend the webinar until the end.

You can use this voucher anytime in the next 6 months.

I look forward to seeing you there!
We have limited spaces for the webinar and therefore ask you to please make sure that you can make the date & time of the webinar you choose before signing up, and if you can not make it to let us know  on so that we can give your space to someone else.
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